About me and this blog

My name is Pieter Beck (previously Present, °1990). I am a post-doctoral FWO-funded researcher at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences (Ghent University).  I studied Eastern Languages and Cultures (BA) and Philosophy (BA and MA) at Ghent University and obtained my Phd in 2019 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with a dissertation titled Learning in the world: Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692-1761) and "(Newtonian) Experimental Philosophy". I provide teaching assistance for courses on philosophy of science and general epistemology. My research is situated in the field of integrated history and philosophy of science (IHPS), with a focus on the history of science in the late 17th and 18th century. More specifically, my research deals with questions related to the nature of scientific practice, the role of experimentation, and the institutionalisation and teaching of science, especially chemistry. 

The main aim of this blog is to communicate about my research to a broader audience. Therefore, most of the posts will be in Dutch. But I will also write about my other interests, including: pragmatism, immanence, mindfulness, attention, non-representationalism, philosophy as care for the self, the possibility of (re)forming oneself, habituation, anti-representationalism, anti-anti-postmodernism, meta-philosophy (of science), music, joy, affirmation, etc. 

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